09/09/96Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 23/01/76

Revelation of the Father through having the highest and holiest thoughts, words and form.

Do you create every thought and perform every action whilst considering yourself to be the highest and the holiest?Highest means the highest觔n虐igh Brahmin. In the variety苯orm image, Brahmins have been given the highestposition. Just as your position is of the highest top虺not, so too, is your stage also the highest? Just as your name isso elevated, so too, your honour and your activity should also be the same. The praise of the Father is: Highest觔n虐igh God. Therefore, the praise of the children is: Highest觔n虐igh Brahmins. The memorial of this elevated stagecontinues even today: whenever people want to carry out any elevated or auspicious task, they have it performed bythose who are called brahmins (priests). Even today, you see and hear the memorial of the elevated actions whichwere performed at this time by the form of the true living Brahmins. On the one hand, you are able to hear the praiseof the elevated actions that you performed and, on the other hand, you are playing the elevated part. You are seeingthe practical and the memorial both together. Through your memorials, you show how elevated you were; you arethat now and you will be that in the future. Just as Brahmins are the most elevated, so too, the period of the Brahminsis the most elevated out of all ages, that is, it is the time of the confluence age, the time of amrit vela and the time ofbrahm衫uhurat (auspicious time of early morning). Why was this most elevated stage of the Brahmins created? Because it is only the Brahmins who attain the elevated fortune of being co觔perative in performing the highest, themost elevated task. Are you able to keep in your awareness your elevated part, your highest觔n虐igh Father, yourelevated position and your elevated honour? Throughout the entire kalpa, you will not be able to attain such elevatedfortune again. Even now, you hear about the memorial of such highest and holiest souls. People sing praise of yourdeity苯orm instead of you Brahmins.

What is the praise of the holiest of all? People sing praise of the lotus eyes, the lotus hands and the lotus mouth evennow. Now, check in a practical way whether your every physical organ has become as detached as a lotus. Just as alotus is detached whilst forming relationships and connections, in the same way, are you detached from the attractionof the body, bodily relations and bodily world? Do any of the physical senses pull or influence you to see somethingor hear something? To be under their influence means to change from being the holiest and to become an evil spirit.When you become an evil spirit, your activity makes you experience sorrow and to cause others sorrow. Then, frombeing the highest Brahmins, you become shudras. Therefore, always have the awareness that you are the highest andthe holiest. Only when you have this awareness in a practical way, that is, only when you have this in your thoughtsand in your form will you be able to celebrate the year of revelation. In order to reveal the highest觔n虐igh Father,you yourself have to become an embodiment of the highest and the holiest. Otherwise, how can you reveal theFather? To reveal within yourself virtues and activities like the Father's is to reveal the Father Himself. Throughperforming an elevated task, you will glorify the name of the highest Father. Through your spiritual image, you haveto reveal the spiritual Father so that every soul sees father Brahma in every Brahmin. The creation should reveal theirCreator. From everyone's lips, there should just be the sound emerging that God Himself has made them sofortunate. Each one's fortune should glorify the image of BapDada. Each one of you should make yourself such adivine and clean mirror that many others have a vision of BapDada. The practical stage of being equal to the Fatherwill enable others to have a vision of the Father.

The meaning of celebrating the year of revelation is to make the self equal to the Father. These physical means arejust in namesake, for the permanent means is that of being an embodiment of success. An embodiment of successwill automatically prove that it is highest觔n虐igh God who has made you so elevated. So, together with the facilities,also adopt the form of success. All three, your thoughts, words and deeds, should be the holiest and the highest. Onlythrough having such a stage will you be able to reveal the Father. BapDada is happy to see the children's zeal,enthusiasm, elevated thought, effort and love but is also showing you a plan to be able to take co觔peration in thefuture. Everyone has the same thought; united thought has great power. Stabilise yourself in a stable stage and putthis thought into practice. There is praise even now of the image of fortune of every kalpa, that is, it is eternal.Achcha. To those who reveal the image of BapDada through their fortune; to those who, like a lotus, constantly remain beyondtemporary attractions; to those who stabilise themselves in the holiest and highest stage of self訃espect, the same asthe Father; to those who reveal to every soul the Father's love, form and relationship; to such most elevated, highest觔n虐igh Brahmins, love, remembrance and namaste from highest觔n虐igh BapDada.

Personal meeting with BapDada:

In order to celebrate the year of revelation, everyone has made special effort to reveal BapDada through thenewspapers and cards. These too are essential tools for service. However, people look at the newspapers and cardsetc. when they receive them, but then these things merge in their awareness. You would not say that they completelyvanish because it is this awareness which merges that then emerges at the right time. This is why one would not saythat it has vanished, but that it has merged. Through this, the land received a little water of love and introduction, buthow could it give the fruit of revelation? Of course you watered it, but what for? To receive fruit. How will that fruitbe received? That is, how will those thoughts take a practical form? You would not have cards printed all the timefor this. Nowadays, what desire do the majority of souls have? To attain peace and happiness. Of course, they desireto have peace and happiness, but what do the bhagat souls in particular desire? The desire of the majority of bhagatsis to see light for even one second. How will you fulfil their desire? The eyes of Brahmins are the means to fulfil thisdesire of theirs. Through your eyes, they should be able to have a vision of the form of light of the Father. Your eyeswould not be visible as eyes, but they would be seen as globes of light. Just as you see the stars in the sky, in thesame way, your eyes would be like sparkling stars. However, only when you stabilise yourself in the form of lightwill this be visible. You should be light in your actions, that is, there should be lightness; your form should be oflightness and your stage should also be light. When all the effort衫akers see you special souls make such effort, andthat you have this awareness and form, they will also continue to make this effort.

Whilst performing actions, check again and again: Am I light in my actions? Do I have any burden of actions? Theburden of action would pull you towards itself. If you do not experience any burden in your actions, then you will notbe pulled by that but there will be transformation to karma yoga. So, this method and form (embodiment) ofcelebrating the year of revelation is in everyone's intellect, is it not? You have made such a plan, have you not? Yousaw how Baba, in the sakar form, performed a great deal of actions; he was involved with the expansion, wasentertaining and had contacts and relationships, and how he was completely detached to the same extent whilst havingcontacts and relationships. Just as it is easy to interact and relate with others, so it should be just as easy to bedetached. You need to have such a practice. At one moment, it will be the extreme, and the next, it will be the end.This is the effort for the final year and the final stage. Create such a stage. Rehearse this and perform this drill.

Perform the drill: Going into the extreme and then the end. At one moment, be in close relationship and the nextmoment, be just as detached as you were in connection, as though merged in a lighthouse. A lighthouse means yourhome of light. One minute be on the field of action and the next minute be in Paramdham. Achcha.

Meeting the mothers:

BapDada has had special love for the mothers from the beginning. Who had the special part in the establishment ofthe yagya? Who were the instruments? At the end also, who will become instruments to bring about revelation andbeat the drums of victory? The mothers. At the confluence age, the gopis have a special part: Gopi Vallabh, theFather of the Gopis, has also been remembered. Mothers always want to find an elevated person who comes from agood home and who would make a good husband. What more do you want when the Father has made you belong toHim? Whenever any situation comes up in this beneficial age, don't see that situation, don't see the present time, butsee the future in the present. That is, when someone is causing you sorrow or insulting you, just think that there issome benefit for you in that. The benefit is that that sorrow or insult will bring you closer in remembrance to theBestower of Happiness. Do not see the external form, but see the form of benefit in it, and then any situation will notseem a difficult situation. Through this, you will be able to benefit. Achcha.

Blessing: May you be a resident of the original land who considers this old world to be the foreign land and therebyremains beyond.Some people do not even touch things from abroad because they feel they should use the things of their own country.In the same way, this old world is a foreign land for all of you. Therefore, remain beyond it, that is, you should not beeven slightly attracted to the things of the old world, which means the old sanskars and nature etc. Become a residentof your original land, that is, have the form of the soul residing in your elevated land of Paramdham. And, in terms ofthis divine family, consider yourself to be a resident of Madhuban. Maintain this intoxication.

Slogan: If the reins of shrimat are strong, the horse, that is, the mind, cannot run anywhere.

Some questions and answers from Avyakt Murlis:

Question: What is the Brahmin world? Of what thing can there be no name or trace in Brahmin life?

Answer: The land without worry is the world of Brahmins. There can be no name or trace of sorrow in Brahmin life. Nothing is lacking in the treasure貞tore of Brahmins. Lack of attainment is the cause of sorrow andattainment is the means of happiness. So, Brahmins are embodiments of all attainments, that is, they areembodiments of happiness.

Question: What are the two special means of happiness and how can you attain them in Brahmin life?

Answer: One is relationships and the other is wealth. In Brahmin life, all relationships with the Father are eternal. No relationship is lacking. And, in terms of wealth also, you have all treasures and all types of wealth, thatis, you have the elevated treasure of the wealth of knowledge through which you automatically have allattainments.

Question: What does BapDada think when He sees or hears of children experiencing waves of sorrow?

Answer: BapDada thinks: Hey children of the Ocean of Happiness, since you are the emperors of the carefree land,how can you experience sorrow? You must definitely have gone outside the boundary of the world of happiness.Some become attracted by artificial attractions or false images. In the memorial of the previous kalpa, when Sita crossed the line of the code of conduct, she endedup in the cottage of sorrow.

Question: What world is even more elevated than that of the golden age?

Answer: Madhuban. Although Madhuban is in a tiny village, as soon as you reach there, you say that you have arrived in the world which is even more elevated than that of the golden age. Even in a jungle, youexperience the greatness and auspiciousness. You experience your world to have changed. Whenever youBrahmin souls are amidst an atmosphere of sorrow, you are like lotuses. You are beyond sorrow, emperorsof a carefree land.

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